Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Year, New Goals, New Blog

New year, new goals, new blog, new opportunities to do all those "ing" things I never managed to do during 2012.  And I am not referring to "entering" the great adventure known as the big 2 Oh... that double decade age... where you supposedly leave the awkwardness and acne behind.  Supposedly.

Instead I've hopes of accomplishing all those big positive ing things!  Example?  Meeting my goal.  Surviving several stages of editing.  Developing a thick skin as agents and publishers begin rejecting my manuscript (I'm perfectly fine with skipping this stage mind you!).  Maybe hooking an agent/publisher by this time next year.  (I may be positive, but I'm not holding my breath.)

So feel free to journey with me as I furiously scribble out my novel.  You can bet there will be bonuses along the way as I brainstorm my characters and the fantasy world I fondly call The Desolate Lands.  Well... maybe not that fondly.  I wouldn't want to live there or anything.  However, the artist side of me is itching to grab a pencil, so I can guarantee artwork is on the way.

That being said, perhaps I should go over the rules.

1. You are here solely for enjoyment purposes... uh... enjoy yourself!
2.  You are here because you're interested n reading fiction excerpts, viewing artwork, or finding out more about my world and charactes... I and my cast offer you a warm welcome!  Be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think.

All posts are under possession of Meaghan Ward (that's me!) and as such are subjected to humorous jests, inside writer jokes, and quirk comments.  If you do not understand aforementioned, smile and nod, laugh, or rotfl as deemed polite.

That's it!  Pretty simple, right?

So with all this in mind, the party-of-the-first-part wises the party-of-the-second-part to make themselves at home and look around.  Feel free to introduce yourself in the comments!  Do you like to write?  Read?  Draw?